Integrating your AI Personality into the Discord platform as a fully functional bot is an exciting opportunity to engage with users in a dynamic and interactive way. Discord bots have become increasingly popular, offering versatile capabilities for entertainment, assistance, and engagement.
In this guide, we'll take you through the steps to create a Discord bot for your AI Personality on Kamoto.AI. From obtaining the necessary API key to implementing custom commands and responses, we'll provide you with the insights you need to bring your AI character to life in the Discord community. Get ready to enhance your AI Personality's reach and provide users with a unique and immersive experience on Discord.
Step 1: Installing Kamoto.AI Discord Bot Template
To make thing easy for the users, Kamoto.AI offers a pre-made template of the Kamoto.AI Discord Bot. This reduces the efforts for the users and lays an easy foundation for them to get started on this journey. To install the template, the user needs to visit Kamoto.AI AI Character's Discord Bot Template.
On opening this, the first thing would be to sign up or login to the Autocode platform. Once logged in, the user would need to install the template by clicking on the install button.
The next thing would be to choose the Autocode account that the user wants to install the template to. and the next step would be to give the project a name. for instance, here we are creating the Ai Discord bot for Kamoto Buddy's AI personality, so the project was named 'kamoto-buddy-ai-discord-bot'.
Click on the 'Next' button to move to the next step.
Step 2: Creating a Discord Bot
On moving forward, the user will be required to link their Discord account with the portal. Click on 'Link Resources' to move forward.
On opening this, the user will be moved to next window, asking the user to initiate the process to create a Discord bot. For this, the user needs to put in a fresh application to create a new Discord bot. Access the Discord Developer Portal to move ahead. Then navigate to the applications page in the portal, then press the New Application button in the top right corner.
The next step would be to name the application you have been creating. Enter the name that you want, check the policy button and then click on the 'Create' button to move ahead.
As soon as your bot is created, make sure to give the required permissions to the bot. In the sidebar on the left, navigate to the option titled 'Bot' and on the corresponding scree on the right, enable the 'Presence Intent', 'Server Members Intent', and 'Message Content Intent' permissions for your Discord bot.
Step 3: Linking the Discord Bot
After naming and creating your application, switch to the OAuth2 tab in the sidebar. If you don't have your secret token saved somewhere, you'll need to reset it. To do this, under the General page click Reset Secret and follow the prompts to generate a secret token.
Now, save these credentials as they will be needed in the Autocode portal to be filled in. Put these credentials as prompted in the respective fields. Click on the 'Next' button to move forward in the process.
You'll be interacting with Discord's API using a bot token, so we'll grab that next. Press the header labeled Bot in the Discord sidebar. If you don't have your bot token saved somewhere, you will need to click Reset Token and follow the prompts to generate a secret token.
Retrieve the bot token for your Bot User and paste it into the form on the Autocode portal.
And that's it! Press Finish and follow the instructions from Discord to finish linking your application.
Step 4: Connecting the Discord Bot to a Discord Server
Now, as the next step, your Discord account will ask you to connect the Discord bot to a Discord server. Choose the respective Discord server and click on the 'Continue' button.
Authorize your Bot to perform various action when prompted. Click on Authorize button to proceed ahead.
Step 5: Finishing the Installation of Discord Bot Template
Once the Discord bot is successfully connected with a Discord server, the Autocode portal will then ask you to install the bot template to finish the process.
Click on the Install App button to continue.
Once installed successfully, click on the 'Continue button' to click ahead.
Step 6: Integrating the AI Personality with the Discord Bot
As soon as the installation process is complete, you will be taken inside the code of the template, where you can link the AI personality for which the Discord bot is being generated. On the left sidebar, under Discord => command, you will find a function labelled 'fn bot_mention.js'. On opening this, a corresponding window will open on the right, scroll down and you will find the prompts to enter the API Key and Personality ID of the respective AI personality.
For you to access the API Key and AI personality ID, go to your Kamoto.AI account, navigate to the dashboard, and find the option 'APIs & Logs'. Under the option, click on 'API Keys'.
Click on 'Create API Key' option on the top right.
Select the AI personality for which you want to generate the API key and give the API Key a name.
Click on Create API Key at the bottom of the page to move ahead.
Now copy the generated API Key and Personality ID. This will be used further on the Autocode portal.
Once you have the retrieved AI Personality API Key and ID, navigate to the Autocode portal and paste these where it as been asked. After putting in the credentials, click on the 'Save' button to lock in the changes.
On successful integration, you would see that in the respective Discord server the bot answers whenever tagged. You can also check the response and edit it in the code source in your Autocode portal.
Step 7: Generating the AI Character's Discord Bot URL
Now that your Discord bot of your AI personality is ready to be showcased to the world, the last thing left is to generate a Discord Bot URL for it. Please refer to the Generate Discord Bot URL guide to understand the process.
That is how simple it is to create a dedicated Discord bot for your AI personality, powered by Kamoto.AI.