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Exploring Dialogue Style tab of AI Personalities

This article helps you understand the "Dialogue Style" tab on the Edit AI Personality page.

Kanishka Sharma avatar
Written by Kanishka Sharma
Updated over a week ago

In Kamoto.AI, AI personalities are designed to have unique dialogue styles that bring their virtual personas to life. The "Dialogue Style" category allows users to define specific styles of communication for their AI personalities. Let's delve into the key components of the Dialogue Style section:

Dialogue Style

Dialogue Style refers to the overall manner and tone of the AI personality's conversations. Users can define whether the AI personality engages in aggressive, commanding, submissive, friendly, or any other style of dialogue. This helps shape the personality and demeanor of the AI persona during interactions. You may choose a particular style of dialogue delivery from the given drop-down menu.

Example Dialogues

Example Dialogues provide users with the ability to specify specific phrases, responses, or conversation snippets that align with the chosen dialogue style. By providing examples, users can ensure that the AI personality consistently exhibits the desired communication style throughout the conversation.

Dialogue Length

There are other parameters provided as well to help you make your AI personality's conversation with the user more humane, relatable and accurate. As the AI personality owner or manager, you can set the scale of the length of the dialogue delivered by the AI character. Similarly, the frequency of AI personality asking counter questions can also be set according to the requirement.

Counter Questions

Next sections allows the AI personality owner or manager to list down a number of counter questions the AI avatar can bring up during a conversation with the user. This will the AI bot manager to control the questions being asked by the AI avatar.

Capitalization in Chat Reply

This feature helps the AI Personality owner decide whether the AI avatar will reply in capitalized letters or not. You may choose between the options 'Normal Style' and 'Never Capitalize Replies'. The Normal Style option might sometimes prompt the AI personality to send replies in capital letter to add the emphasis. In case reply in capital letters is strictly unwanted, then please go ahead with the latter option.

Frequently Used Words

The AI personality owner can also set some pre-defined words and phrases that will be used by the AI avatar in its conversation with the users. These frequently used words can be set for both when the AI avatar starts a chat and some pre-set words can also be specified for concluding the conversation.

List of Famous Dialogues

This section will help the AI character owner to list some of the dialogues that will be used frequently by the AI character in its replies. These dialogues should capture the tone, style, and pattern with which AI character usually responds. This list of pre-set questions can be edited anytime as per the requirements.


The Dialogue Style section in Kamoto.AI's AI personality traits enables users to customize and define how their AI personalities engage in conversations. By selecting a dialogue style and providing example dialogues, users can create virtual personas that align with their desired communication style and enhance the overall user experience.

Note: Remember to explore and utilize the other categories of personality traits in Kamoto.AI to further enhance the customization and depth of your AI personalities.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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