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Exploring the Identity tab of AI Personalities

This article helps you understand the "Identity" tab on the Edit AI Personality page.

Kanishka Sharma avatar
Written by Kanishka Sharma
Updated over a week ago

In Kamoto.AI, AI personalities possess unique identities that define their roles, characteristics, and affiliations. The "Identity" category allows users to shape the individuality of their AI personalities. Let's explore the key aspects of the Identity section:

Stage of Life

The Stage of Life aspect provides information about the life stage of the AI personality. It could be categorized as a teenager, adult, or any other relevant stage. Understanding the stage of life helps users create more contextually appropriate interactions and responses.

A respective stage of life for an AI character can be chosen from the provided drop-down section. The AI personality owner can choose a stage according to how they want their AI avatar to be projected to their audience.


The Role component signifies the occupation, profession, or social role that the AI personality embodies. Examples include doctor, actor, musician, or any other role that aligns with the desired persona. Defining the role adds depth and authenticity to the AI personality's identity.

Alternative Names

Alternative Names refer to the alias or other names by which the AI personality may be known. This aspect provides flexibility in how users refer to AI Personality's personality and allows for more personalized and dynamic interaction.

Wikipedia Link

The Wikipedia link option offers the ability to provide a link to the Wikipedia page of the AI personality, if available. This allows users to access additional information and context about the persona, deepening their understanding and engagement.

Visual Appearance

This section helps the AI avatar owner to describe the physical attributes of their AI personality. The AI character's physical traits can be mentioned here like the build, skin tone, physical features, height, and more. This will help the audience get a glimpse of the AI personality and help them to imagine its appearance in the real world.

Racial Information

AI personality's ethnicity can also be specified by selecting an appropriate option from the given drop-down menu. The AI personality owner can specify the race their AI character belongs to. Again, it helps in making the AI personality as close to real life character as possible.

Relationship Status

The next trait to be defined is to specify the relationship status of the AI personality. This will give the users a wider perspective of the personality of the AI character. The AI personality owner or manager can choose a respective status from the drop-down menu provided along with the option.

Family Members

The next information that can be defined for an AI character is to give a little framework to its family. Now, providing this information is completely up to the preference of the AI personality owner or manager. You may add family members of the respective AI character by mentioning details like the name of the member, their gender, age, their relation with the AI personality, relationship status of the respective family member. The family member can also be included in the family tree by adding the member it is married to. All this information can stores in the information box provided along the same trait.

Additionally, other family members of the AI personality can also be added by using the 'Add Family Member' option.

Generic Details about the Family

In this section, the AI avatar owner can add some generic details about the family of the AI personality. Details like any generic trait, habits, issues, etc. can be mentioned here. This section is optional. You may leave it as is in case no such information is required to be provided.

Professional Life Details

This section allows the AI personality owner/manager to throw light on the professional feat of the AI personality. Traits like profession, qualification, achievements, shortcomings, future goals, etc. can be mentioned here.


The Identity section of AI personality traits in Kamoto.AI plays a crucial role in shaping the unique identity and characteristics of virtual personas. By defining the stage of life, role, and alternative names, and providing relevant Wikipedia links, users can create more immersive and realistic interactions with their AI personalities.

Note: Remember to explore and utilize the other categories of personality traits in Kamoto.AI to further enhance the customization and depth of your AI personalities.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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