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Understanding Feedback and Ratings in Kamoto.AI Marketplace
Understanding Feedback and Ratings in Kamoto.AI Marketplace

This article explains the Feedback & Ratings section under the Marketplace menu in Kamoto.AI Dashboard.

Kanishka Sharma avatar
Written by Kanishka Sharma
Updated over a week ago

In Kamoto.AI's AI Marketplace, visitors and users have the opportunity to engage in free or premium chats with AI personalities, depending on the monetization options set by the AI personality owners. After a chat session concludes or when the user ends the session, a feedback popup is presented to gather user feedback about the interaction with the AI personality. This feedback is completely optional, and users may choose to close the popup without providing feedback.

Feedback & Ratings

If the user chooses to provide feedback, it will be shown to the AI personality owners and managers in their dashboard under the Marketplace menu, specifically under the "Feedback & Ratings" section. The feedback popup includes several fields where users can provide their insights:

Enjoyment of Conversation

Users can select one of three options to indicate their level of enjoyment during the conversation:

  • Yes, I enjoyed it.

  • Somewhat! Could be better.

  • No, I didn't enjoy it.

Rating out of 5 Stars

Users can assign a rating from 1 to 5 stars to reflect their overall satisfaction with the AI personality.


Users can provide detailed textual feedback in paragraph form, expressing their thoughts and opinions about the chat session.

Suggestions for Improvement

Users have the opportunity to offer suggestions for how the AI personality could enhance its performance or better meet their expectations. This response is provided in paragraph form.

Visibility and Management of Feedback

The feedback received from users will be visible to AI personality owners and managers in their respective dashboards. They can access this information by navigating to the Marketplace menu and selecting the "Feedback & Ratings" menu item. The feedback will be categorized as either "Read" or "Unread," allowing AI personality owners and managers to keep track of which feedback they have reviewed.

Utilizing Feedback for Improvement (Premium Feature)

Paid users have the option to use the suggestions received in the feedback to improve and train their AI personality. This premium feature enables AI personality owners and managers to leverage valuable user insights and refine their AI personality's performance.


The Feedback and Ratings feature in KamotoAI's AI Marketplace provides a valuable avenue for users to express their thoughts and provide feedback on their interactions with AI personalities. AI personality owners and managers can access this feedback in their respective dashboards, gaining valuable insights into user satisfaction and suggestions for improvement. By utilizing this feedback, AI personality owners and managers can refine their AI personalities, enhance user experiences, and continuously improve their offerings in the AI Marketplace.

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