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Is there a limit to how many AI personalities I can create on KamotoAI?
Is there a limit to how many AI personalities I can create on KamotoAI?

This article helps you understand the limit of AI Personality creations on KamotoAI

Kanishka Sharma avatar
Written by Kanishka Sharma
Updated over a week ago

On KamotoAI, we understand that each user's needs are different. Some of you may need just one AI personality, while others might require a diverse range of AI personalities to cater to different use cases. To meet these varied needs, we have set some guidelines regarding the creation of AI personalities.

1. Free Subscription

If you are a free subscription user, you have the ability to create a limited number of AI personalities. This limit is determined by our fair usage policy and is designed to ensure the platform’s stability and performance for all users. Please visit our pricing page to know more about the pricing plans.

2. Starter Subscription

With a starter subscription, you're entitled to create a higher number of AI personalities. The exact number will depend on the subscription plan that you've chosen. Please visit our pricing page to know more about the pricing plans.

3. Professional Subscription

For our professional users, the limit is significantly higher. If you're an enterprise user and need to create a large number of AI personalities, please contact our sales team for a custom plan tailored to your needs. Please visit our pricing page to know more about the pricing plans.

4. Fair Usage Policy

Remember, KamotoAI's fair usage policy applies to all subscriptions. The purpose of this policy is to prevent misuse of our platform and ensure the best performance for all users.

5. Upgrading Subscription

If you find that you've reached your limit but need more AI personalities, you can easily upgrade your subscription plan from the dashboard.

At KamotoAI, we strive to provide a flexible and adaptable platform that caters to everyone's needs. If you have any further questions regarding the creation of AI personalities, please reach out to our support team.

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